Monday, October 31, 2011

Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Today, I explored the British Virgin Island of Tortola. In the morning, we packed a van cab full of cast members and headed toward Brewer Bay. The ride was an adventure all on its own as we winded up one side of the mountain and maneuvered hair pin turns down the other - all done on the "wrong" side of the road!!! As we pulled into the beach, we passed by this lazy brown cow and his friend (not pictured). After spending the last 6 months in territory inhabited by Mainers, hardy Canadians, and people of the Viking persuasion, I experienced a little piece of paradise as I floated aimlessly in the bay and re-introduced my skin to the concept of sun -leaving the water only to drink pineapple juice or play the ukulele. Sweet friends in the north, layering jogging suits under your Halloween costumes, I don't say this to make you jealous, I swear...

After the beach, we headed back over the mountain into town. I met a gentleman standing in the shade of a tree with his donkey, “Master William”, whom he adorned with flowers. I learned that the donkey was 40 years old and that it would cost $2 to get a picture with him. I felt very fortunate to meet them.

Getting a decent picture of this hen and her chicks was the most difficult thing I did today. I was a shameless tourist - trotting after them with out-stretched arms and a pink camera - but cute baby animals are always worth it.

The plate of food is ox tail stew with rice and beans and is from the restaurant called “Pussers”. This is an old British pub known for selling the same kind of rum given to sailors in the Royal Navy for the last few hundred years. - so strong that my friend couldn’t get through half of her drink.

I ended the day on the bow of the ship, watching the British Virgin Islands fade away into the sunset. Tonight, the world’s a little bigger, I’m a little smaller, God’s creation is a little grander - and what vigor this brings to my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I should have been cruising with you!! :)

    Miss you!! xoxoxo
