Friday, July 29, 2011

Qaqortoq, Greenland

Qaqortoq, Greenland - yep, three "Q's" and zero "U's"

We made it to the southwestern tip of Greenland this morning! It was sunny and the temperature couldn’t have been colder than 50°F. Balmy!!! The town had a lively harbor and the people were mainly of Inuit descent. Most of the homes and buildings were painted in bright crayola colors - which was striking against the side of the mountain. It must be even more beautiful in the snow. The country belongs to Denmark, so the currency was Danish “Kroners”. Approximately 5 K to $1 - a candy bar cost 5 bucks. I bought a hot meal for lunch in a grocery store. I asked the guy behind the deli counter what kind of food it was and he said, “Sweet Lovin”. I told him it looked like bacon and mashed potatoes to me, but how could I not buy it now? The lovely Brittany Dunn and I ate lunch together next to an old fountain in the center of town. Wool, beads, and seal fur were popular mediums for the local artists selling their creations near the dock. The souvenir shop sold things like reindeer jerky and hand knit sweaters. Since all the t-shirts that said “Greenland; the coolest place in the world” were either made in Honduras or the USA, I couldn’t bear to fork over the Kroners. Next stop; Iceland in 2 days!!!

Happy Birthday MOM!!!


  1. Hi Krissy! Mom and Katie here! Looks like a beautiful place! We want to try the reindeer jerky. See any vikings yet? Love you! Mom says thanks for the b-day blog shoutout.

  2. What beautiful country - thanks so much for sharing! Happy Bday Mrs. K!!


  3. I love that all of the girls are wearing coordinating scarves:)
