Sunday, July 31, 2011

Almost to Prince Christian Sound

A couple of days ago, we were at sea off the coast of Greenland. Cruising Prince Christian Sound was on the agenda, but it got called off by a helicopter at the last minute because the ice was impenetrable.

The first picture is of the sky in the northeast at 4 in the morning. (My body clock hadn’t adjusted to the new time zone yet.) I woke up around 9 to a phone call from a friend saying we were surrounded by ice! I was out of bed and on the bow within minutes. The most exciting thing I saw were loads of wild seals - fuzzy, grey, and sunbathing on ice chunks. I also loved getting to wear a fur hat in July!

I had to put on my Packers jersey (thanks Megan :)) so it would feel at home in the frozen tundra. The girls in the picture are Elise, one of our fabulous dancers, and Heidi, our rockstar singer. Iceland is next...


  1. I am glad to see you are representing the Green and Gold in Greenland. Can't wait for more updates! I want a picture of a really big iceberg, OK? Love you!

  2. Hi hon! Mom here:-) Thanks for sharing your exciting and breathtakingly beautiful adventures with us. I'm glad I don't know about the imminent dangers until afther they have passed. xoxoxoxox

  3. How fitting that on the 6 month anniversary of the Packer superbowl win you'd have your Rodgers jersey on!
