Monday, May 10, 2010

Home from Manhattan

First night working in the garden!  Put up the fence with my dad.  I became "sustainable agriculture super hero" as I swung a sledgehammer (ever so ungracefully) into the posts.  My sledgehammer swing was more of a calculated short lift and an even shorter drop.  A sledgehammer tap?  Good thing my dad was there for the super muscle work.  As the sun quickly disappeared, I realized that figuring out what should go where and how far vegetable A should be separated from vegetable B (for proper sunlight distribution and walking room) takes actual planning instead the rosy vision of vegetal abundance that floated vaguely in my brain.  Alas, the peas are forced to rest in their perfectly crisp Jung's envelope a few more days until I've made a proper chart on proper graph paper.  It is probably better for them anyway as they would have had to sit through what's left of the Oklahoma tornadoes during their first day in the dirt - and that sounds like no fun at all - even for a tough little sugar snap pea.

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